"Everybody Loves Raymond" Voting Guide
Vote for two episodes from each season. |
Episode Information: tv tome |
53. Halloween Candy gs: Tina Arning (Angelina) Susan Varon (Suzy) Tess Oakland (Sally Parker) Vinny Buffolino (Dracula) Elizabeth Herring (Carrie Parker) Zachary Robinson (Trick-or-Treater) Ben Rosenthal (Trick-or-Treater) Nicholas Rossito (Trick-or-Treater) Sam Skrovan (Trick-or-Treater) Andy Kindler (Andy) Joseph V. Perry (Nemo) Sullivan Sweeten (Michael Barone) Sawyer Sweeten (Geoffery Barone) After Debra suggests that she might be more consistently romantic if she weren't in charge of the birth control, Ray decides to make the drastic move of "cutting the wires." But after a discussion with Robert, and other top "medical experts" he chickens out, but does muster enough bravery to go to the drugstore and buy "the stuff." He even goes crazy and splurges on "the rainbow pack" but the plan for Halloween romance goes awry when Grandpa distributes the "chocolate coins in brightly colored wrappers" that he found to the remaining trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. b: 26-Oct-1998 pc: 9805 w: Steve Skrovan d: Steve Zuckerman |
70. Be Nice gs: Mary Jo Keenen (Lori) Stephanie Erb (Elise) Sullivan Sweeten (Michael Barone) Sawyer Sweeten (Geoffery Barone) Kevin James (Doug) When Ray and Debra realize they're nicer to strangers than to each other they vow to change their ways. b: 03-May-1999 pc: 9822 w: Lew Schneider d: Steve Zuckerman |
71. Dancing with Debra gs: Jill Zimmerman (Kristen) Red & The Red Hots (Themselves) Stacy Walker (Swing Dancer) Faune A. Chambers (Swing Dancer) Karen Dyer (Swing Dancer) Cristan Judo (Swing Dancer) Keith Kool (Swing Dancer) Christian Perry (Swing Dancer) Erik Robison (Swing Dancer) Sylvia Skylar (Swing Dancer) Michelle Weber (Swing Dancer) Jason Yribar (Swing Dancer) Amy Janon (Swing Dancer) Jon Manfrellotti (Gianni) After Ray urges Debra to go swing dancing with Robert to let himself off the hook, he can't believe how infatuated the two become with their new hobby and it's starting to tick him off. Meanwhile, Ray sees a side of Marie that he never fully expected. b: 10-May-1999 pc: 9824 w: Aaron Shure & Steve Skrovan d: Brian K. Roberts |
72. Robert Moves Back gs: Monica Horan (Amy) Lawrence LeJohn (Man #1) Rich Battista (Man #2) John Harnagel (Man #3) Shari Shaw (Woman #1) When Robert and Amy get caught alone by some of Robert's fellow apartment tenants, they are desperate to find someplace, any place, where they can have some time to themselves. Ray comes to the rescue, at Debra's urging, by allowing Robert to move into their basement for a while. But, when caught again, by someone even more intimidating - Marie - the couple is mortified. b: 17-May-1999 pc: 9825 w: Lew Schneider & Aaron Shure d: Brian K. Roberts |
73. How They Met gs: Jon Manfrellotti (Gianni) Sullivan Sweeten (Michael Barone) Sawyer Sweeten (Geoffery Barone) Ray and Debra reminisce about their fateful first meeting 15 years before. Memories flood back when Ray and Debra prepare Ally for her first playdate with a little boy. The first time Ray and Debra laid eyes on each other, their first kiss, the first time Marie met her future daughter-in-law and what she thought of her, and the first time Ray sampled Debra's cooking are all revealed. |